Targeting targets!

Target extravaganza

Catja Pedersen Catja Pedersen
Start: 01 Oct 2024
Next: TBA


  • Duration: 6 weeks.
  • Learning materials: Written lessons with video tutorials.
  • Access to other Premium members' threads for additional insights.
  • Certificate of attendance upon completion.
  • Lifetime, 24/7 access to course materials.
  • Join the vibrant Tromplo community.
  • Earn 4 loyalty program points.


  • Earn 15 loyalty program points.
  • Personalized attention: Instructor analyzes 12 minutes of your training videos weekly.
  • Engage in interactive learning with homework and daily feedback.

No premium spots available

Target sticks, target mats, sticky-notes, hand target, chin target, shoulder target.. The list of targeting training is long. Have you ever been thinking about how you can get the maximum result, out of working with targets in your sessions? Then this is the course for you. 

One of the most important things, when working with targets and target behaviors, is to have a plan. Awareness is key and enables you to make the most out of every single repetition, where you are using the help of the target. Targets, in most cases, are helping to teach a new behavior, to add duration in behaviors, to teach directions or to be able to groom/care for your animal in the most respectful way, while you are both still kept safe. 

Some of the specific targets and ways of using targeting, that we will learn about in this course, is:

  • Directional targets – send aways etc.
  • Position targets – position changes – locked front legs or hind legs
  • Platforms – accuracy in positions
  • Duration targets – keeping absolutely still with duration
  • Husbandry targets – Targeting with distractions
  • Bodypart targets – shoulder, chin, nose, hind leg. Which of the dog’s body parts, touches you, and where?
  • Target mats – to get the dog to a specific place/direction
  • Target sticks – Moving the dog around, close to the handler
  • Hand target – An important part of the release and a perfect reset behavior
  • Target transfer – Teaching the dog to close cabinets, turn off the light, or whatever behavior you would like
  • Sticky notes – The easiest tool to fade

Apart from learning about that, we will also talk about some of the pitfalls and great advices, when working with targets.

  • Successful fading of the target – when and how
  • When is the target a final cue or part of the final behavior
  • When is targets a good idea
  • The ideal time to present a target
  • What does it look like
  • Careful criteria setting and why it is especially important

This course is suitable for everyone that is interested in using target as a help in their training and minimize the food lures. 

For premium participants, it is recommended that your dog has tried some of the target variations before. The big goal in this course is to be able to smoothly evaluate the session as it plays out, and have the skills to fade the target in the fastest way, without risking a breakdown of the behavior. 

I can´t wait to target those target talks! Catja x

Course Testimonials

I took this course at the Premium level and it was a lot of fun! Catja explained everything in great detail with helpful video clips. It has definitely help me with practicing my mechanics and practicing how to thinslice steps for my dog who needs to have criteria made very clear for him. Targeting is so useful in so many ways! Love this course! 🙂

Rachel Forday

June 30, 2023


  • Week 1 18 Oct 2024

    • Welcome!

      Read this before proceeding to the first lesson! Welcome, students!  This course will start on Tuesday,…

    • Why talk targets?

      The idea for this course, has been brewing for a long time.  Targets and the use of them, is often…

    • What is a target?

      How do we define a target? Targets historically, has been something people aimed at. If we look it up, this…

    • Variations of targets

      Today I wanted to show you some of the different types of targets I use, and we will talk a bit…

    • Homework week 1

      We have now talked a bot about the different types of targets, so I am going to start you off…

  • Week 2 18 Oct 2024

    • Directional targets

      Welcome back!   Last week, we went through the different types of targets. and thereby also briefly visited the…

    • Getting speed

      To follow up on the previous lesson, where we talked about using targets for moving the dog in a certain…

    • Fading the target for directions

      Now we have the direction! After the lessons on “directional targets” and “getting speed” we know how to use a…

    • Homework week 2

      For this weeks homework, I would like for you to to work on one of the types of directional targets. …

  • Week 3 18 Oct 2024

    • Targets for body parts

      Which body part touches what, when?  When we talk about targets for body parts, it is only the imagination…

    • Chin rest

      As promised, we will look a bit into the chin rest today.  In this first video, I am just…

    • Homework week 3

      Time for some homework! This week we have been looking at chin rest and targeting for husbandry behavior.  If you…

  • Week 4 18 Oct 2024

    • Targets for positions

      With the help of targets, we can give the dog very clear and accurate information on which position we are…

    • Working on precision

      When we are working with platforms, we have a great way of working on getting precision in the movements. We…

    • Homework week 4

      For this week, I would like to see a video of how far you are with the behaviors you are…

  • Week 5 18 Oct 2024

    • More on transfers – and how

      In the last lesson, I showed you a target transfer with hand target.  I want to show you some more…

    • Duration targets

      Welcome back to a new week.  I hope you ready and exited for starting the talk on using targets for…

    • Ways of using duration targets

      As a follow up on yesterdays lesson, I have made some videos demonstration different use of duration targets.  We often…

    • Homework week 5

      Can’t believe we are already at homework for week 5. Time flies so fast in this Tromplo universe.  This week,…

  • Week 6 18 Oct 2024

    • Target transfers

      First thing this week, I wanted to show you a video of target transfers.  In this video, I am starting…

    • Whats on your mind?

      As we are getting very close to the end of this course, I wanted to dedicate this lesson, for you…

    • Final Thoughts: Celebrating Achievements and Continuing the Journey

      Farewell and Keep Moving Forward! Mega Cheers and…

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