New Year’s Eve survival tips – what to do if dog is scared of fireworks?
New Year’s Eve is coming! Tromplo Team wishes you a Happy New Year with plenty of positive reinforcement available! Unfortunately for many animals and their caregivers this is one of the worst days of the year. What can you do if your dog is scared of fireworks? We hope these tips created by one of our instructors Catja B. Pedersen and Agnieszka Janarek will help you survive this day safely! 👉 Keep the dog on leash all day and night 31/12 when you’re outside. Also in the garden. Dogs in panic can jump incredibly high fences, especially when your dog is scared of fireworks. 👉 Make sure you have suitable light visible from long range, on your dog’s collar and harness. Should the dog run, it’s easier to find them with lights on. 👉 Make sure the dogs tag is up to date with current contact information. 👉 Do NOT bring the dog outside at midnight. Even the most relaxed dog can panic by fireworks close by. 👉 Make sure you and your guests always close the door whenever you go outside. Assign the responsibility for keeping the door closed to a certain person. 👉 Make sure the dog had had plenty of exercises and search assignments before it gets dark. A well-stimulated dog is more likely to sleep. 👉 Build a “cave” indoor. A blanket over 2 chairs makes a comfy safe space, close to you. 👉 Make sure you don’t ignore your dog if he’s scared. You should be close to him and able to provide him safety. 👉 Prepare food dispensing toys for the entire evening and give the dog his food in that. Add some extra great stuff, to help him focus on that. 👉 If the dog is really scared, then put a blanket over the dog’s crate and some nice treats in there. Then put your dog in the crate at 23.45 (or however long it takes you to reach a quiet place) and drive away from the city with music. From distance, you can enjoy all the fireworks, and the dog can just relax and don’t even notice. 👉 That the dog was fine last year, does not mean that he will be this year. Drops of fear from the past year can suddenly show next year. 👉 Consider thunder shirt or taking to your vet about drugs if you are not able to help your dog yourself.
“I’ve spend the last 10 years putting my dog to the covered crate before midnight, and we are doing it also when we have guests. It works so well, and it’s catching on here. Now many of us meet far outside the city and wish eachother a happy new year, with cake and soda – and new people are joining every year and saving their dogs from panic “ – Catja B. Pedersen
”I have always provided my dogs with safe spot, I have always payed attention to them, cuddled them, talked to them, entertained them. I have provided vast sources of reinforcement, I made things predictable. No, I did not reinforce fear because you simply can’t. It is an oxymoron. Fear is not a behavior, it’s a label and even if we describe it using observable behaviors it usually comes down to reflexes and physiological responses; and these are not under the control of consequences. So don’t worry – if your dog is shaking, you can cuddle him, you can comfort him. If combined with Catja’s tips it will only help your animal!” – Agnieszka Janarek
Agnieszka and Catja also met last year on IG live, where they talked about emergency best tips to help you and your pet survive New Year’s Eve safely and with minimum stress! [YOU CAN WATCH IT HERE]
Tromplo Team wishes all of you a Happy and Safe New Year! See you in 2022!
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