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Sarah Owings

Sarah Owings is a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner. She specializes in the practical application of behavioral principles to help transform the lives of fearful, shut down, and over-the-top dogs. As an international speaker and regular contributor to online training forums, she is known for her innovative approaches to tough behavior problems and her compassionate and insightful teaching. A self-described "behavior geek," Sarah has written for Clean Run magazine on topics such as stimulus control, release cues, and toy-related cues. In addition to teaching for Tromplo, she serves as a member of the ClickerExpo faculty, an instructor for Cyber Scent Online, and an advisor to the Glendale Humane Society in Los Angeles.

Sarah is also an avid nose work competitor, and currently competes at both the Elite and Iron Dog levels with her Labrador retriever, Tucker, in the United States. Tucker was the recipient of the Harry Award in 2015, an award given to rescue dogs that show particularly noteworthy "promise and talent for the sport." Tucker went on from there to earn the distinction of titling at each level of NACSW ORT up through Elite without a single miss. In other venues, such as Sniffing Dog Sports, he has won High in Trial in both Advanced and Excellent divisions, and HIT at their top level, Iron Dog. Tucker's trained final response for nose work, a nose-target at source with duration, was taught with a marker signal, following clicker training principles.


01 Dec 2024
Owings Sarah Owings

Control Is An Illusion: Rethinking How We Teach for “Impulse Control”

What do we really mean when we talk about impulse control?

01 Mar 2024
Owings Sarah Owings

Trust Code

“Go to people for opinions. Go to animals for answers.” -Alexandra Kurland

01 Sep 2023
Owings Sarah Owings

Masters of Odor Pt. 1

“Your dog is Yoda….You are Luke.” — Leah Gangelhoff

01 Mar 2024
Owings Sarah Owings

Masters of Odor Pt. 2: Advanced Concepts

“Your dog is Yoda….You are Luke.” —Leah Gangelhoff

01 May 2024
Owings Sarah Owings

Brave Learning 101

'Advanced training is just basic training....done very very well.' --Ken Ramirez


Leave it! No! Off! Reframing Impulse Control for Pet Owners

Delve into the true dynamics behind "impulse control" in dogs and gain practical insights into behavior modification.

Owings Sarah Owings