Agnieszka Janarek
I am the founder of Tromplo, and my academic background is in Applied Behavior Analysis. I aim to bridge the gap between science and practice, teaching my students how to apply scientific knowledge to real-world scenarios. My goal is to dispel myths and rely on reliable education based on scientific and ethical principles in the animal training world.
At Tromplo, my courses focus on empowering trainers to work independently and develop essential skills for working with animals. I prioritize giving animals choices in our training interactions, regardless of the task at hand.
Creating Tromplo has been a dream come true for me. It provides a safe space for positive reinforcement trainers to learn from one another and apply the latest scientific methods to enhance learning in our students.
In 2016, I founded the Nosework Poland Association, which has become the largest Nosework sports organization in Poland. While I am no longer affiliated with the organization, I am proud of its growth. I am also a caretaker of three adopted dogs: Gacek, Gapcio, and Gunia.
Currently, I am a doctoral student at the Institute of Psychology at Jagiellonian University, working on my PhD thesis on anxiety behavior in dogs under the supervision of Professor Przemysław Bąbel.
- Applied Behavior Analysis, Florida Institute of Technology
- Jagiellonian University Psychology Department: currently pursuing a PhD on fearful behaviors in dogs
- Master's Degree from Law School, Jagiellonian University, and Certificate of American Law Program, Berkeley University of California (USA)
- LLA- Leaving and Learning with Animals Certificate of Completion, Professor: Susan G. Friedman Ph.D
- TAKL – Trainer Accredited by Kay Laurence Course
- Mantrailing International Instructor Course – Tromplo is the first Polish branch of Mantrailing International Andreas Ebert
- CPCFT Certified Professional Caine Fitness Trainer by Debbie Gross
- Founder of Polish Nosework Organization: Nosework Polska
- Founder of Tromplo®
- Licensed Polish Nosework Association Trainer and Judge
- Conducting seminars in Poland and abroad
Strategic reinforcement delivery for dog trainers
Mechanics of positive reinforcement, delivery protocols and use of marker cues
Animal Trainer’s Toolbox part 1
Foundation course focusing on a scientific approach to animal training
Animal Trainer’s Toolbox part 2
Foundation course focusing on a scientific approach to animal training
Let me want it!
Empowering dogs with choices and harnessing the power of their behavior!
Trainer’s Toolbox
Foundation course focusing on a scientific approach to animal training.
Heelwork for obedience
Stop struggling with the complexities of heelwork, and learn to deconstruct the process into manageable and teachable components!
Kształtowanie – Czyli niech Twój pies „nie kombinuje”
Kiedy pies ma "wymyślić to, czego się od niego oczekuje" to nie jest to kształtowanie - to po prostu kiepski trening.
Dlaczego smakołyki nie działają?
Jedzenia to zachowanie. Czyli dlaczego dlaczego on nie chce jeść jak widzi inne psy?
Mastering Engagement: Errorless Methods for Teaching Your Dog Focus Skills
Discover the importance of focus in training. Understand how to keep your dog's attention and lay a solid foundation for their behavior.
Mastering Errorless Animal Training!
Take a deep dive into the world of errorless animal training! Uncover the secrets to minimizing errors and achieving maximum success in your training sessions.
Errorless shaping in a nutshell
Master the art of shaping behaviors in animal training! Learn step-by-step techniques, session planning, and discover the secrets of effective shaping.
Dog Training Dark Side – When Food Becomes the Enemy
Reveal all the secrets of food as both a reinforcer and a potential source of problem behaviors
“WAIT”! Teach your dog duration behaviors!
Explore effective strategies for teaching duration behaviors without relying on extinction or negative punishment.
To cue or not to cue
Discover the power of cues in dog training, from their definitions to practical applications.